Attorney Stephen Jessup

Stephen Jessup is a Partner in the Disability Income Division of Dell Disability Lawyers. Stephen’s practice is comprised solely of representing disabled claimants throughout all stages of a disability insurance claim with a large percentage of his work dedicated to ERISA based administrative appeals and litigation. Stephen has been instrumental in assisting thousands of claimants to recover both short and long term disability benefits.

Stephen takes great pride in his work and is always willing to go the extra mile for all of his clients. The testimonials on our website from some of his clients will give you a good understanding of the high level of service you get when Stephen is handling your claim. Stephen has handled disability claims against every major disability insurance company and has obtained a great understanding of the different claims handling practices of each company. This knowledge is essential in order to for a claimant to have the best possible chance of securing disability insurance benefits.

Stephen received his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Miami and his J.D. from St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami, Florida. Following law school, Stephen obtained his initial courtroom and trial skills by working as an Assistant Public Defender in Broward County, Florida where he handled thousands of cases. After several years of working for the government, Stephen joined the disability income division of our firm. Within a few years of joining our firm, it was obvious that Stephen was a superstar and someone that we wanted to be a Partner. Stephen shares our firm’s commitment to provide five star customer service and do whatever it takes to help our clients obtain disability insurance benefits.

Stephen is admitted to the Florida bar as well as multiple federal district courts. Stephen is a member of the American Bar Association Health and Disability Insurance Law Committee. Stephen represents claimants throughout the nation and is available for a free phone consultation regardless of where you live.

Attorney Stephen Jessup

Get to Know Attorney Stephen Jessup

Stephen's Client Reviews

Stephen's Resolved Cases
Showing 8 of 93 Disability Cases

New York Life Approves Disability Benefits for School Teacher With Multiple Sclerosis

Our client, a former elementary school teacher suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, contacted our office after New York Life terminated her claim for short term disability benefits and spoke with Attorney Stephen Jessup. New York Life had initially approved her claim for short term disability benefits, but in doing so awarded benefits only on account of a mental health condition, even though our client had filed... Read More >

Dell Disability Lawyers Win Disability Insurance Appeal Against Prudential for KPMG Employee

Our client, a former Managing Director - Tax Consultant for KPMG contacted our office after his claim for short term disability benefits was denied by Prudential. He spoke with Attorney Stephen Jessup, who has handled multiple cases for KPMG employees whose disability benefits had been denied by Prudential. In this case our client had filed for disability due to... Read More >

Lawyer Wins 24 Month Mental Nervous Prudential Disability Denial

Our client, a former law partner of a large national law firm, filed for disability with Prudential due to severe mental health conditions that resulted in hospitalization. Prudential approved her claim for short and then long term disability benefits and in doing so asserted the 24 month limitation on benefits due to mental health conditions that was contained ... Read More >

Anesthesiologist Approved for Long Term Disability Benfits Plus an Extra 9 Months of Benefits

Our client, an Anesthesiologist, suffered a fall at his home which resulted in rupturing his left quadriceps tendon requiring him to undergo surgery the following day. For the next month and a half, he underwent extensive recovery and rehab in his attempt to return to work. Believing he had sufficiently recovered; he made a return to work on a reduced schedule b... Read More >

Lincoln Approves Long Term Disability Benefits After Four Year Fight

With financial protections afforded to disability insurance companies under ERISA that insulate them from extra contractual damages there is very little financial disincentive to deny long term disability benefits to an insured. This is especially true of disability applicants who are high wage earners whose resulting monthly disability benefits are extremely high. In our experience, insurance companies will g... Read More >

Cigna Sued For Failing To Make A Timely Decision on Appeal

If your disability insurance claim has ever been denied you will have received a formal denial letter from your insurance carrier in which you are advised as to the basis of the denial as well as provided guidelines set forth by ERISA as to the filing of an administrative appeal to challenge the denial of benefits. The most important of these ERISA guidelines is the notification that you have 180 days from the... Read More >

Hartford Denies Disability Benefits To Home Depot Employee 3 Weeks Before Change of Disability Definition

Our client was a former in-store merchandising associate responsible for the movement of merchandise, display set up, signage installation, inventory and merchandising strategies who went out on disability due to mental health conditions as well as physical medical conditions related to chronic back pain, SI joint pain and hip pain that potentially required repl... Read More >

NY Life Disability Benefits Reinstated on Appeal Despite Independent Medical Examination

Our client, a former high level medical sales representative, suffered from chronic pain stemming from his neck, back and hip that would eventually result in multiple surgeries to include lumbar fusion, cervical fusion and sacroiliac joint fusion. He initially filed his claim for disability benefits at age 62 due to the increasing pain he was experiencing, which... Read More >
Stephen's Answered Questions
Showing 8 of 264 Answered Questions

Q: My mother has a John Hancock Long Term Care policy. She is in an assisted living facility in the memory care unit. Her claim has been denied.

Answered on January 9th 2024 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: We have handled cases against John Hancock as it relates to their Long Term Care policies. Please contact our ... Read More >

Q: When can I give notice to leave the company while on STD?

Answered on January 9th 2024 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: To avoid any potential overpayment of benefits you would want to advise the administrator of your STD claim as... Read More >

Q: Can I sue Metlife for non payment of approved claim?

Answered on December 28th 2023 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: Unfortunately, the answer is "not liklely." I would assume your MetLife policy is an employer provided policy ... Read More >

Q: What is the best LTD policy to get?

Answered on December 28th 2023 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: We would recommend you speak with agents for Northwestern Mutual, Guardian, Mass Mutual and Principal or Stand... Read More >

Q: How do I manage the conflict between standard of care medicine and my approach to joint health and still win my LTD claim?

Answered on October 11th 2023 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: That is a very good question and a situation many people find themselves in. The best way to stack the cards i... Read More >

Q: Can I file for unemployment if I am on medical leave from my job and an ssdi application already submitted.

Answered on October 11th 2023 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: Unfortunately, you would need to speak with a Social Security attorney to determine how the SSA will react to ... Read More >

Q: Can I sue Unum for financial stress and emotional stress?

Answered on June 29th 2023 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: I am sorry to hear about the issues you and your partner have been going through. Unfortunately, if the policy... Read More >

Q: Denied short term disability and need to file for long term with same insurer

Answered on June 29th 2023 by Attorney Stephen Jessup
A: We would be more than happy to speak with you and review your denial letter and policy and discuss how we can ... Read More >
Stephen's Disability Videos
Showing 12 of 319 Videos
Stephen's Disability Benefit Tips
Showing 8 of 57 Benefit Tips

Disability Denial Reason #2 - Change of Disability Definition & Vocational Review

One of the top reasons for terminating a claimant's long term disability benefits involves the change in the disability insurance policy's definition of "disability." This definition change often happens in conjunction with a vocational review, or an analysis of a claimant's medical records that tells the insurance company which jobs the claimant should be able ... Read More >

Applying for Standard Disability Benefits? Top 5 Claim Denial Reasons

At Dell & Schaefer, we've helped hundreds of clients recover long term disability benefits from Standard Disability.What should you know about getting your Standard Disability long term disability claim approved?Understanding the Language in Your Standard Disability Policy Is EssentialGetting your long term disability claim approved on the front ... Read More >

Guardian Disability Benefit Claim Handling Tips

When you finally receive a letter from Guardian Disability informing you that your claim for long term disability benefits has been approved, it can be easy to assume it's smooth sailing from here on out. Unfortunately, approval isn't the end of the story - and if the claimant doesn't maintain the medical records and other evidence to support their continued rec... Read More >

Is Cigna Seeking To Offset Disability Benefit by Social Security Survivor Benefit?

I recently spoke with a gentleman who called into our office who has been receiving long term disability benefits from Cigna for several years and is also receiving Social Security disability benefits. Employer provided disability policies contain what is known as an “Other Income” provision that identifies all the sources of income that will offset your monthly benefit- the most common of which is Social ... Read More >

Beware of Traveling While on Disability with Unum

In the past several months our office has been hired by two separate clients who had individual disability policies purchased privately through insurance agents; that had received benefits for an extended period of time; and that were denied by Unum, in part, on the basis that their ability to travel was indicative of the ability to work. The first client, a doctor had coverage with Paul Revere Life Insurance ... Read More >

What Happens If My Hartford Short Term Disability Claim is Denied?

Understand your rights once your Hartford short term disability income claim has been denied. In this featured article and video gain insights into:Hartford DeadlinesAdministrative Appeal - What Is It?Administrative Appeal ProcessBenefits of Hiring A Disability Insurance AttorneyGREGORY DELL: Hi. I'm attorney Greg Dell, here with Stephen. A... Read More >

Doctors with “Own Occupation” Group Disability Policies Beware

Many doctors who are employed by hospital systems and/or medical groups often have employer provided ERISA group disability policies in addition to privately purchased individual disability policies. With respect to ERISA group disability policies, more often than not disability is defined to mean the inability to perform your own occupation, and some policies will go so far as to contain language regarding bo... Read More >

Are You Entitled to Lifetime Disability Benefits from Ohio National?

I recently spoke with a claimant regarding a letter he received from Ohio National that indicated he was not eligible to receive lifetime disability benefits as he was not totally disabled before the age of 60 and continuously so through the age of 65. During our initial call I advised him that although each disability carrier and/or policy can differ in language, as a general rule it is very common that lifet... Read More >
Stephen's Disability Lawsuit Stories
Showing 8 of 25 Lawsuit Stories

Federal Court Overturns Aetna Denial Of Disability Benefits

In the recent case of Ferrin v. Aetna Life Ins. Co. a federal judge from the Northern District of Illinois determined that Aetna improperly terminated Ferrin’s claim for long term disability benefits and ordered Aetna to reinstate Ferrin’s claim and pay all past due benefits with interest. Prior to filing for long term disability Ferrin was an employee of Southwest Airlines. In 2008, while at work, she suf... Read More >

Missouri Court Rules Cigna Wrongfully Terminated Disability Benefits

In the case of Lapidus vs. Life Ins. Co. of N. Am. a Missouri federal court ruled against Cigna finding that Cigna wrongfully terminated long term disability benefits to Lapidus after having initially approving her claim for benefits. Prior to filing for disability benefits Lapidus worked as the vice-president of medical benefits for BJC Healthcare. Despite having undergone a spinal fusion and additional conse... Read More >

California Court Overturns Prudential Denial of LTD Benefits

In reviewing long term disability denial letters we find that there are a handful of industry wide arguments made by insurance companies to minimize the nature of one’s occupation. The most common being the downplaying of the cognitive demands of a given occupation in favor of focusing solely on the physical demands of the occupation. This often occurs when (1) the nature of the disability is due to a medica... Read More >

First Unum Cannot Extend Disability Appeal Review Indefinitely

Following the submission of an ERISA disability appeal an insurance company is allotted 45 days under the law with which to render a decision on the appeal. ERISA also allows the insurance carrier a single 45 day extension to complete the review so long as the extension is for good cause. It is common for an insured to receive a letter from their disability carrier during the initial 45 day timeframe that the ... Read More >

California Court Overturns Prudential Denial of Disability Benefits

In the case of Gallegos v. Prudential, a California Federal District in the Northern District of California entered an order instructing Prudential to reinstate the benefits to an insured suffering with Lupus. This ruling provides a plethora of useful information in arguing claims for disability stemming from Lupus, but also for any physical medical condition in which an insurance carrier argues a “lack of o... Read More >

Prudential Denies Long Term Disability Claim Due to Insurance Fraud

Our office was recently contacted by an insured whose claim for long term disability benefits had been recently and abruptly denied by Prudential based on allegations of insurance fraud stemming from answers provided in an Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire (ADLQ) form and a subsequent field interview. For anyone on claim with Prudential, or with any disability insurance company for that matter, the ADLQ... Read More >

Federal District Court Overturns Hartford's Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits

In the recent decision of Tobin v Hartford Life & Acc. Ins. Co. a Michigan Federal District Court overturned Hartford’s denial of long term disability benefits to a former Disney employee suffering from Fibromyalgia. The Court noted in its opinion that Hartford’s requirement of objective evidence of the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia was arbitrary under applicable case law in Michigan and that in denying he... Read More >

Hartford Denial of Disability Benefits to Claimant with Fibromyalgia is Reversed!

The Six Circuit Court of Appeals reverses a Hartford long term disability benefit denial.Long term disability insurance attorneys Stephen Jessup and Gregory Dell discuss this recent case in which the court basically states that there is no objective evidence of Fibromyalgia. It seems that the courts are really starting to understand fibromyalgia and its deva... Read More >
Fun Facts About Stephen

We are not your typical law firm. We are always thinking outside of the box so that we can keep our clients a step ahead of the insurance companies. Customer service with our clients is an essential element as we want every case handled as if it was our own. Since the lawyer that you work with at our firm will need to know a lot about your life, we think it is important that you have the opportunity to learn more about the lawyer(s) working on your case. Here are some interesting and fun facts about Stephen Jessup:

  • Describe yourself in three words: Honest, hardworking, loyal
  • Best to do in your free time: Exercise
  • Favorite places to travel: Cleveland (hometown), Utah
  • Favorite Food: Steak
  • Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan
  • Favorite Musician: Brandon Lake
  • What do you like about your job: It allows me to connect with people from all over the country and from across all walks of life, and in doing so I am able to act as a voice for those who are in need of help and assistance with an ultimate goal of making a positive impact in their lives.

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5 Ways We Help Get Your Benefits Paid

Get Your Disability Application Approved

Our goal is to get your application for disability insurance benefits approved. Applying for disability insurance benefits can be a difficult process and the information you provide is critical. Most disability insurance companies look at your application in hopes of finding a reason to deny your claim. Your disability company will ask you to complete numerous forms, interview you, request lots of information, speak with your doctors and possibly request to have you examined by their hired gun doctor.

Through our experience of having helped thousands of disability insurance claimants, our disability insurance lawyers will guide you through the entire application process and give you the best chance to get your disability claim approved the first time.

Submit A Strong Appeal Package

If your disability insurance benefits have been wrongfully denied, then our disability insurance lawyers know exactly what it takes to get your disability claim approved. You only get once chance to submit an Appeal, therefore every piece of evidence that will support your disability claim must be included. The goal is to win your disability benefits at the Appeal level, but while preparing your Appeal you must consider how a federal judge will review your disability claim if your benefit denial is upheld.

Preparing a strong disability appeal package is an art that requires you to understand how the courts interpret your disability policy language, ERISA regulations / laws, and how to strategically present evidence in support of your definition of disability. We encourage you to contact any of our long-term disability attorneys for a free immediate review of your disability denial.

Sue Your Disability Company

98% of the disability insurance lawsuits filed by our law firm have resulted in either the payment of benefits or a lump-sum settlement agreement. Our disability insurance attorneys have filed ERISA governed and private policy long term disability insurance lawsuits against every major disability insurance company in state and federal courts nationwide and we love fighting for the little guy against the multi-billion dollar insurance company giants.

We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients and we would like the opportunity to provide you with a free review of your disability benefit denial. There are many complex factors in a disability benefit lawsuit and the legal battle to win long term disability benefits can be fierce.

Prevent A Disability Benefit Denial

Approval of long-term disability is a continuous process as every disability insurance company will evaluate your eligibility for benefits on a monthly basis. You can never let your guard down and assume that your disability company will continue to pay your benefits for as long as you think you need them.

Our disability insurance law firm offers a reasonable flat fee monthly claim handling service in which we handle every aspect of your long-term disability claim and do whatever it takes to make sure you are paid every month.

Negotiate a Lump-Sum Settlement

Let's discuss if a lump-sum settlement or buyout of your disability insurance claim is both available and makes financial sense for you. Our disability insurance lawyers have negotiated more than five-hundred million dollars in disability insurance buyouts and we know how to get you a maximum settlement. A disability insurance company is not required to offer a buyout and not every disability company offers them.

Questions About Hiring Us

Who are Dell Disability Lawyers?

We are disability insurance attorneys that know how to get your short or long term disability benefits paid. As a nationwide law firm we have helped thousands of disability insurance claimants throughout the United States to collect hundreds of millions of dollars of disability insurance benefits from every major disability insurance company.

Our attorneys have been able to either get our clients paid monthly disability benefits or obtain a one-time lump-sum settlement in more than 98% of our cases. Our disability insurance lawyers have seen it all when it comes to disability insurance claims and we know exactly what it takes for your disability claim to be approved.

We offer disability insurance attorney representation nationwide and we welcome you to contact any of our LTD lawyers for a free immediate review of your disability claim. We also invite you to visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel where we have more than 900 videos and regularly provide tips to help protect your disability benefits.

Who do you help?

Our disability insurance attorneys help individuals that have either purchased a long term disability insurance policy from an insurance company or obtained short or long term disability insurance coverage as a benefit from their employer. We have helped individuals in almost every type of occupation with monthly disability benefit payments ranging from $1,500 to $50,000.

Our clients include all types of employees ranging from retail associates, sales representatives, government employees, police officers, teachers, janitors, nurses, pilots, truck drivers, financial advisors, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, lawyers, consultants, IT professionals, engineers, professional athletes, business owners, and high level executives.

A strong understanding and presentation of the duties of your occupation is essential for securing disability insurance benefits.

Do you work in my state?

Yes. We are a national disability insurance law firm that is available to represent you regardless of where you live in the United States. We have partner lawyers in every state and we have filed lawsuits in most federal courts nationwide. Our disability insurance lawyers represent disability claimants at all stages of a claim for disability insurance benefits. There is nothing that our lawyers have not seen in the disability insurance world.

What are your fees?

Since we represent disability insurance claimants at different stages of a disability insurance claim we offer a variety of different fee options. We understand that claimants living on disability insurance benefits have a limited source of income; therefore we always try to work with the claimant to make our attorney fees as affordable as possible.

The three available fee options are a contingency fee agreement (no attorney fee or cost unless we make a recovery), hourly fee or fixed flat rate.

In every case we provide each client with a written fee agreement detailing the terms and conditions. We always offer a free initial phone consultation and we appreciate the opportunity to work with you in obtaining payment of your disability insurance benefits.

Do I have to come to your office to work with your law firm?

No. For purposes of efficiency and to reduce expenses for our clients we have found that 99% of our clients prefer to communicate via phone, email, fax, or video conferencing sessions. If you prefer an initial in-person meeting please let us know. A disability company will never require you to come to their office and similarly we are set up so that we handle your entire claim without the need for you to come to our office.

How can I contact you?

When you call us during normal business hours you will immediately speak with a disability insurance attorney. We can be reached at 800-698-9159 or by email. Lawyers and staff must return all client calls same day. Client emails are usually replied to within the same business day and seem to be the preferred and most efficient method of communication for most clients.

Helpful Resources