Reliance Standard Disability Lawyer Representation for Your LTD Insurance Claim
Our disability lawyers are well known to Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company as we have handled numerous ERISA Appeals and Lawsuits due to Reliance Standard’s denial of long-term disability benefits.
Reliance Standard has been in business since 1906 and they are a subsidiary of a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company, Delphi Financial Group. Despite their large size and financial resources our law firm has been able to level the playing field and help numerous claimants to receive disability insurance benefits from Reliance Standard.
We offer claimants a contingency fee agreement in which they are not responsible for either our attorney fees or costs unless we recover benefits.
Reliance Standard Is No Stranger To Disability Denial Lawsuits
Reliance Standard takes their disability claim denials seriously and they will defend their position aggressively in courts throughout the country.
In 2010, Reliance Standard appealed a long term disability denial case to the United States Supreme Court as they did not want to pay prevailing party attorney fees to the claimant’s attorney following a remand by the lower court. As result of the US Supreme Court case of Hardt v. Reliance Standard , it is now easier for claimant’s to recover attorney fees if they win their case following the filing of an ERISA disability lawsuit.
Every year there are numerous court decisions issued both for and against Reliance Standard. Our lawyers have the experience, skill and resources to handle your Reliance Standard disability Appeal or Lawsuit. Call us a for a free phone consultation to discuss your claim options.
Free Reliance Standard Information, Lawsuits And Court Decisions Nationwide
As a disability claimant, it is important for you to have a good understanding of the disability claim handling techniques used by Reliance and the manner in which they are interpreted by courts nationwide.
On our site you can read short articles in which we have drafted claim handling tips, and short articles about our resolved cases, court decisions and lawsuits filed against Reliance. We routinely update this page with the latest court decisions which may be important to you.
Tell Us What You Think About Reliance Standard
You can help other claimants nationwide by posting your comments, questions or complaints about your experience with Reliance Standard. Our lawyers regularly respond to comments posted on our site.
Please contact us privately if you are seeking assistance with your Reliance Standard claim.