Insurance Claim Adjuster Long Term Disability Benefit Claim Tips

If you work as a Claim Analyst, Examiner, or Adjuster for an insurance company, and become Disabled, getting approved for long term disability benefits may be more challenging than you think. Insurance companies don’t discriminate in denying disability claims. In fact, insurance companies are more likely to deny benefits to their own employees because You worked for them and because You handled or administered disability benefits or other insurance claims. If you are disabled and cannot perform Your occupation that should be enough, regardless of who you worked for, but insurance companies apply a more damaging and strict approach to their own employees.

As you know, it is important to understand what evidence is required to get your long term disability claim approved. It begins with submitting all of your medical evidence and opinions from your medical providers. Our disability lawyers have helped hundreds of Insurance Adjusters nationwide and we know what the disability insurance companies require in order for your long term disability benefits to get paid. 

In our Insurance Adjuster disability claim tips video, attorneys Rachel Alters and Gregory Dell discuss how insurance companies handle claims of their own employees who worked as Insurance Adjusters or Examiners.

How Do Disability Companies Define the Occupation of an Insurance Adjuster?

Even your own insurance company will take a very broad and generic approach to your occupational duties, and often make unfounded assumptions about your regular occupational duties. It will be very important to expand upon all the physical and mental demands of your occupation and make it clear that working as an insurance adjuster can run a very broad range of occupational duties. Whether you work at a desk and manage claims, talk on the phone for most of the day, or have to perform field work, walk, stand, climb ladders, drive, or perform other physical work, all of these duties should be made clear to your physician, and the insurance company.

The group disability plans will view your occupation as it is performed in the national economy, and will not look closely at the physical, cognitive, and mental demands of your actual job with your employer. Insurance companies will often minimize or completely overlook any mental or cognitive requirements and also overlook the basic ability to simply sustain full-time work on both a physical and mental capacity so if you have pain, fatigue, or any other symptoms that interfere with sustaining work, these issues must be reported to your physician and to the insurance company.

What Evidence Should You Submit for Your Disability Claim?

With all disability claims, establishing and continuing regular care with your treating physicians and being able to provide medical support for why your condition interferes with your ability to perform one or more of the essential duties of your occupation is crucial. If you have a chronic medical condition but were able to work in your occupation for perhaps months or even years, the insurance company will want to know what changed such that you could no longer perform your occupational duties. Having a conversation with your physician, documenting those conversations and medical findings to support your inability to work is a necessary step in getting your disability claim approved. 

Insurance Companies Do Not Accept Permanent Disability

If you have a chronic condition that is the result of an injury, sickness, or illness, and it will continue to limit your ability to function or work indefinitely, the insurance company will still want periodic, and often frequent updates from you and your medical providers even if your condition and ability to work will not change. Insurance companies will simply dismiss your limitations if medical records or forms are not provided on a regular basis. Submitting forms and medical records may be a hassle, but by not doing so, the insurance company will find a way to say that proof of loss or proof of disability has not been provided and your claim may be denied. If your condition or health continues to prevent you from working then You should submit this evidence as frequently as possible to avoid a denial of your claim and have to go through the hassle of filing an Appeal of Your Disability Claim or Filing a Lawsuit.

How We Can Help

You should search our website and learn much more information about your disability insurance company and the process of obtaining short or long term disability benefits. We have already represented hundreds of Insurance Adjusters, and we know what to expect and know how to help you. We represent claimants nationwide and have hundreds of references available. Give our attorneys a call and we will provide you with an initial free review of your policy or your denial letter if you’ve been denied. We will let you know right away if we can assist with your disability claim.