Collecting Hepatitis C Disability Benefits Is A Reality
The hepatitis C virus, also called HCV, is considered to be among the most serious of the hepatitis viruses. A hepatitis C infection usually produces no signs or symptoms during its earliest stages. However, individuals diagnosed with hepatitis C may qualify for disability benefits if they are unable to work or perform daily activities as a result of the chronic illness. Claimants with hepatitis C must meet specific guidelines in order to have their disability claim approved. Our disability insurance attorneys can help you file your hepatitis C disability benefit application as well as discuss whether you meet these strict requirements.
Talk with us today to learn more about how we can assist you if a disability insurance company has limited or denied your claim for hepatitis C disability benefits. Most claimants diagnosed with Hep C undergo interferon treatment. Unfortunately many clients experience disabling cognitive difficulties and extreme fatigue as a result of the medications available for Hep C. Many disability carriers expect a claimant to return to work as soon as they begin to have normal blood test results.
Unfortunately, normal blood test results do not mean a person is able to return to work and commit to 8 hours a day of regular.
How Does Hepatitis C Cause Disability?
A hepatitis C infection that continues for more than six months is called chronic hepatitis C. This can cause significant medical complications, such as:
- Cirrhosis
- Liver cancer
- Liver failure
- Upper abdominal pain
- Internal bleeding
- Fatigue
- Jaundice
- Nausea
- Death
There is no cure for hepatitis C, but some patients benefit from treatment with medications. Unfortunately, these medications can also cause individuals debilitating side effects. Our firm has represented several clients with hepatitis C that have developed long term cognitive impairments and other serious conditions as a result of their treatment.
Our Experience with Hepatitis C Disability Insurance Claims
The case study found below is an overview of how we were able to help a woman appeal her hepatitis C disability denial: Liberty Mutual Reverses Decision to Terminate Disability Benefits.
Our firm accepts clients who need to apply, appeal, or litigate their individual insurance policies as well as members of group disability policies needing to litigate in federal courts under ERISA regulations. To schedule a free consultation of your claim, call us or contact our team of disability insurance lawyers online by filling out a case review form. We are available to help you anywhere in the USA.
There are many helpful sites for individuals to learn more about hepatitis C such as:
Additionally, charities have been formed to help those living with hepatitis C:
We are committed to providing you the most current information about hepatitis C disability benefits and laws. Return to this page often to keep informed about important changes that may impact your case.