Prudential Disability Lawyer Representation for Your LTD Insurance Claim

Through our law firm’s experience in handling thousands of Prudential appeals(ERISA & Non-ERISA), Prudential disability lawsuits and Prudential Class Action lawsuit we know exactly how to put our clients in the best position to collect disability insurance benefits. No matter how many times our disability lawyers beat up on Prudential they are like a stubborn mule that refuses to change its ways when it comes to disability benefit claim handling. As a multi-billion dollar company and one of the top five largest disability insurance companies, Prudential’s (PRU) game plan is to delay and deny disability benefits claims in hopes that that a person will be strong armed to return to work out of desperation. Our disability lawyers stop the Prudential nonsense and give you the ability to level the playing field with Prudential.

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We have helped thousands of Prudential long term disability claimants in every state and we have litigated against them in Federal Courts across the country. In these videos we share helpful information and tips about Prudential long term disability claims and our law firm’s experience in handling these claims. We offer a free initial phone consultation to discuss your claim and we do not charge any fees or costs unless we are able to make a recovery of benefits.

How Can We Help With Your Prudential Disability Claim?

We help Prudential disability insurance claimants no matter where you live in the country. We do not charge any fees or costs unless we recover disability benefits for you. There are five different stages that your Prudential claim could be at and we are available to help you at any of those levels. The five stages of a Prudential disability insurance claim are:

1. Applying for Prudential STD or LTD Disability Benefits

The initial application for disability benefits is the foundation of every claim for disability insurance benefits. Obtaining properly documented medical support, selecting the correct date of disability and completing all of the required Prudential claimant and attending physician forms are just a few of the many areas that claimants can make mistakes. See how we can help to give you the best chance to collect disability benefits.

2. Prudential Monthly Disability Benefit Claim Handling

An approval of disability benefits by Prudential does not mean that the benefits will automatically continue for as long as you need them. The Prudential claim rep assigned to your disability claim is required to evaluate your claim every month and determine your eligibility for benefits. Prudential is not consistent in how they manage each claim and they can require claim forms or update medical records at any time. We offer a unique service where we manage your claim on an ongoing basis so that we can always make sure your claim is in the best position to prevent a Prudential claim denial. Learn more about our monthly claim handling service.

3. Filing A Prudential Disability Benefit Appeal

In our opinion Prudential writes some of the most unreasonable and unsupported disability appeal denials in the entire disability insurance industry. We believe that Prudential authors these terrible denials in an effort to either force claimants back to some kind of work or hope that they will just drop the claim. We have handled hundreds of Prudential ERISA appeals and know exactly what needs to be done to give you the best chance to secure benefits. Learn more about Prudential disability appeals.

4. Suing Prudential For a Disability Benefit Denial

Our lawyers have filed ERISA disability lawsuits against Prudential all over the country and more than 95% of our clients have either had their benefits reinstated or received a lump-sum settlement. We would like to review your Prudential disability denial and give you a straight forward opinion about what we think we can do to help you. Watch our videos and read about our experience in handling disability benefit lawsuits against Prudential.

5. Negotiating a Prudential Lump-Sum Disability Buyout

In certain scenarios Prudential will enter negotiations for a one-time lump buyout of your long term disability claim. In order to be eligible you must have claim that is not contested by Prudential, you are “totally disabled” and been on claim past any change in the definition of disability, and you have a medical condition that is not life threatening. Contact us to learn if you are candidate for a Prudential disability buyout or settlement. You can learn more about disability buyout by watching our disability lump sum videos.

Answers To Your Prudential Disability Questions

How Much Time Does Prudential Have to Make A Determination On an ERISA Disability Appeal?

The answer is, usually 45 days and an additional 45 days for special circumstances, however, it depends on the individual facts of each claim. View additional information about special circumstances allowing more than 45 days.

How long does an ERISA lawsuit against Prudential take from the filing of a lawsuit until conclusion?

The answer to this question is a wide range of time because there are multiple factors that affect resolution of a lawsuit. The short answer is that a lawsuit can be resolved in as little as 3-6 months and as long as 5-6 years. The average time frame for resolution of a Prudential disability lawsuit is 9-12 months. The factors that affect the time frame are court where lawsuit is filed, the defense attorney representing Prudential, the amount of benefits owed to the claimant, the lawsuit expectations of the claimant, and whether a lawsuit involves an appeal or not. Any of our lawyers can you give you a more specific answer based upon a discussion of your Prudential disability denial.

Can Prudential deduct social security payments from my monthly disability check?

The answer is usually yes. 99% of the Prudential disability policies have a section titled “deductible sources of income”, and social security disability benefits for both you and your dependent children will reduce the amount of the benefit that Prudential owes. If you are receiving social security for a reason other than your disability, then Prudential may not be able to reduce your monthly benefit.

Should I submit a Prudential voluntary disability appeal?

Our lawyers have had success in getting Prudential to reverse a claim denial during the Voluntary Appeal stage. However, if Prudential’s initial denial and first level appeal review are blatantly unreasonable then you may have the best chance of winning a lawsuit by not filing a voluntary appeal. Not filing a second voluntary appeal is a strategic decision that will depend on whether your Prudential policy contains a valid discretionary clause. While Prudential may think their disability policy has a discretionary clause there are many cases around the country that have found Prudential’s discretionary clause to not be part of the disability policy. A full review of your Prudential Claim File following an appeal denial is required in order to determine of a second appeal should filed.

We hope you find the information on our website informative for your Prudential disability claim. We know the world of disability insurance claims is something that you probably never wanted to know much about. We want you to know as much as possible so you understand the importance of protecting your monthly disability income benefits. We offer a free immediate phone consultation with one of our attorneys and while we have a ton of information available on our site to educate you about Prudential, we always welcome to you to contact us so we can provide you with an immediate opinion as to whether we can help you collect disability insurance benefits.