Collecting Headaches Or Migraines Disability Benefits Is A Reality

Individuals who experience either chronic headaches or migraines understand how the pain they experience can prevent them from working in a job environment with any reasonable continuity. Our disability insurance lawyers often see how disability insurance companies will wrongfully deny a person disabled by headaches and migraines claiming there is “no objective evidence” to support the claim for benefits.

The reality is that approximately 99 percent of individuals receiving disability benefits as a result of headaches and migraines have normal CT scans and MRIs. Unless a claimant has a brain legion or positive spinal tap, there are not tests to objectively prove a person suffers from headaches. Headache claims are generally founded on subjective complaints from those suffering. To ensure that a disability claim is approved, individuals must be able to show the proper documentation regarding all of the daily limitations the disability causes them. We have helped hundreds of individuals with headaches to obtain disability benefits. Our lawyers have worked with the world’s leading headache experts and we continually monitor the medical literature discussing headache disorders.

For example, there is an overwhelming amount of headache medical publications stating that exercise is good treatment for people with headaches and overuse of medications for headaches can be bad for a claimant. This is important information, because a disability company will video tape a claimant doing normal activities and then claim the person can work. A person suffering with headaches is not bedridden 40 hours a week and a person does not need to be bedridden in order to collect disability insurance benefits. Our firm can help you file your disability application, Appeal a claim denial, or file a lawsuit in any Federal Court nationwide.

Your Lawyer’s Understanding of Headache and Migraine Disorders is Critical

There is a diagnostic Manual for Headaches which categorizes all of the different types of headaches. Specific criteria must be documented by your treating physician in order to properly support your headache diagnosis. Our disability lawyers have a strong medical understanding of all headache disorders and we work with our clients to make sure they have the best medical documentation necessary in order to support their claim for short or long term disability benefits. Headache disability claims will be challenged by the insurance company, but with proper documentation they can be won. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you. Regardless of where you live, we are available to assist you.

Our Experience with Headache and Migraine Disability Claims

We understand what is needed for individuals to receive disability insurance benefits. We have listed numerous examples of headache disability claims that we have handled and other cases throughout the country which Federal Courts have issued legal opinions. We regularly update this page in invite you to return for updates or join our email newsletter for weekly disability insurance news updates. Here are a few examples of some resolved Headache disability cases.

Unum Pays Over One Million Dollars in Disability Benefits to Disabled Lawyer After Reviewing Disability Appeal Submitted by Attorneys Dell & Schaefer
Prudential Overturns Disability Denial for Third Time to Insured with Cluster Headaches


Valuable information regarding headaches and migraines can be found online at: