Metlife Disability Lawyer Representation for Your LTD Insurance Claim

With more than $70 billion in annual revenues, MetLife is a financial monster that you should not fear. While Met is great at making money, they are overwhelmed with administering short term and long term disability claims. The MetLife disability insurance claim division administers both Group ERISA disability plans and private disability insurance policies.

Through the litigation of numerous lawsuits against MetLife and the daily representation of MetLife disability claimants our firm has the knowledge and skill necessary to enforce our client’s contractual rights.

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Does MetLife Pay Disability Benefit Claims?

As one of the world’s largest corporations MetLife routinely commits the same actions resulting in unreasonable disability claim denials.

Our firm has recovered disability benefits for 99% of our MetLife clients. Our job as your disability attorney is to make MetLife pay you the disability insurance benefits that you are entitled to receive. Our disability attorneys represent MetLife claimants at any stage of a disability claim, which includes the application process, on-claim handling, ERISA appeals and lawsuits.

At any given time, our law firm usually has numerous lawsuits pending against MetLife. You don’t need to wait for a claim denial in order to get us involved.

Free MetLife Disability Claim Information, Cases, Videos & Reviews

We are of the opinion that a disability claimant should be well educated about their disability insurance company and the manner in which their company handles disability claims.

This section of our site contains videos about MetLife, cases our firm has resolved against MetLife, and a summary of lawsuits and court decisions involving MetLife.

We want you to learn what other MetLife claimants have said about MetLife, so we have created a public forum where MetLife claimants can either post comments on our website about their experience with MetLife or ask our lawyers general questions.

We encourage you to review all of the information about MetLife and to contact us if we can assist you with your claim.

Answers To Your Metlife Disability Questions

Is there a strategy to applying for Metlife disability insurance benefits?

The answer to this question is absolutely YES! We have prepared a video that provides helpful tips for applying for Metlife short and long term disability benefits. The strategy is different for every Metlife claimant based upon the facts and circumstances of your specific disability policy language, your medical conditions, and your occupational experience. In every Metlife disability claim you will need very strong medical support from your treating doctor(s) as the foundation of your claim. Watch our video about the importance of support from your treating doctor in order to collect disability insurance benefits to learn more.

What are some Metlife disability appeal strategies and how long does Metlife have to respond to an Appeal?

Every Metlife disability appeal requires a strategy in order to reverse the Metlife denial. Our Metlife disability appeal strategy video provides helpful tips for preparing a Metlife ERISA appeal letter. Following submission of your Appeal, Metlife has 45 days and an additional 45 days for special circumstances, however, it depends on the individual facts of each claim.

What should I expect when filing a Metlife disability insurance lawsuit?

The answer to this question varies because there are multiple factors that affect resolution of a lawsuit. This Metlife disability lawsuit video addresses a claimant’s expectations during a Metlife lawsuit. A lawsuit can be resolved in as little as 3-6 months and as long as 5-6 years. The average time frame for resolution of a Metlife ERISA disability lawsuit is 9-12 months. The factors that affect the time frame are the court where lawsuit is filed, the defense attorney representing Metlife, the amount of benefits owed to the claimant, the lawsuit expectations of the claimant, and whether a lawsuit involves an appeal or not.

What should I expect at an IME exam requested by Metlife?

Every Metlife disability policy gives Metlife the right to have you examined as often as Metlife believes it is necessary. We are often able to limit the scope and frequency of these compulsory medical exams. Metlife likes to the call these independent medical exams, but the examining doctors are often hired guns that Metlife has repeatedly relied upon to evaluate disability claims. Learn about being prepared for a medical exam requested by Metlife.

Can Metlife deduct social security payments from my monthly disability check?

The answer is usually yes. 99% of the Metlife disability policies have a section titled deductible sources of income, and social security disability benefits for both you and your dependent children will reduce the amount of the benefit that Metlife owes. If you are receiving social security for a reason other than your disability, then Metlife may not be able to reduce your monthly benefit.