Let's Overturn Your Unum Disability Denial

Let’s discuss your Unum disability denial and immediately determine what it will take to get your Unum denial reversed. A Unum disability denial is usually a shocking event for most people. Almost every Unum long term disability claimant we speak to is disgusted by the fact that Unum denied disability benefits on the basis that Unum’s doctors think they know more than the claimant’s treating doctors. Unum usually does the bare minimum to deny disability insurance benefits and this makes it easier for a claimant to get their disability benefit denial reversed.

In most Unum disability benefit denials, Unum relies on their own hired nurses and doctors to support a short or long term disability benefit denial. Unum rarely has a claimant examined and almost always tries to cherry pick a claimant’s medical records to look for any medical information that can support a disability benefit denial. Unum has a pattern of routinely using the same doctors and nurses to support a Unum claim denial. Unum states that they will conduct a fair review of your short or long term disability benefit claim, but if they find one tiny reason to deny a claim, then they will use that reason to overrule all of your supportive medical evidence.

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Unum Disability Denials Can Be Reversed

Unum is a big, dumb, three headed monster that can be defeated if you understand how to play their game and hire a long term disability attorney that has battled them on behalf of thousands of clients nationwide. Our Unum disability denial lawyers have helped thousands of Unum disability claimants to overcome a Unum disability denial and win their Unum disability appeal or Unum lawsuit. There is a specific strategy to getting a Unum disability denial reversed and all it starts with a detailed review of your Unum denial letter and Unum disability policy. We encourage you to obtain copy of your Unum denial letter and immediately contact one of our Unum disability denial lawyers for a free phone consultation.

Unum Disability Denial Success Stories

We want all of our clients to be very educated about Unum and learn what to expect following a Unum denial. In the videos below we provide examples of some Unum disability claim denials that we were able to get successfully reversed and paid on behalf of our client. We discuss Unum’s reason(s) of denying long term disability benefits and the strategies that our disability denial lawyers took to get the Unum denial reversed. If you use the Search Feature on our website you can find an extensive supply of videos and helpful information for handling a Unum disability benefit denial.

Louisiana State College Director Faces Unum Disability Denial After Winning LTD Appeal

In this Unum disability denial our client was a regional director for a Louisiana state college. Due to chronic neck pain which resulted in surgery, she was forced to stop working. Several months after neck surgery, Unum denied her LTD benefits and determined she could return to work. In this video, Unum denial lawyer Cesar Gavidia discusses the basis for Unum’s denial and how he was able to get the claim reversed.

Billing Manager With Back Disorder Overcomes Unum Disability Denial with Successful Appeal

Disability insurance attorney Alex Palamara discusses a long term disability appeal victory on behalf of a billing manager that was wrongfully denied disability benefits by Unum. In this Unum long term disability denial, our client was disabled due to chronic back pain. Alex discusses why Unum denied disability benefits and the steps he took to get the long term disability benefits reinstated.

Victory Against Unum Disability Denial for Transportation Manager with Brain Injury

Attorneys Rachel Alters and Gregory Dell discuss a case against a Unum in which Unum approved benefits for a brain injury and then denied benefits shortly thereafter. This was a very sad denial. Our client contacted us after being denied Unum Ltd benefits. Attorney Rachel Alters discusses the strategies she took to win our client’s Unum appeal. A neuropsychological exam was a very important piece of evidence which helped our client to win her Unum appeal.

Tips to Avoid A Unum Disability Denial 

While Unum commonly denies short and long term disability insurance claims, we usually see most of the Unum denials after Unum previously approved disability benefits. A lot of Unum disability policy holders believe that once their disability claim is approved, then they will be paid until the policy ends. This is false. Unum determines each and every claimant’s eligibility for disability benefits every month. This means that you can never let your guard down when dealing with Unum and must be proactive in order to prevent a Unum disability denial. Here are some tips to help you avoid a Unum disability denial.

The 5 second summary of our video is that you must have extremely strong medical evidence and support from your treating doctor(s) in order to prevent a Unum denial. The continuation or approval of your Unum disability claim requires your medical records to clearly paint a picture of a person that meets the definition of “disability” as defined in your Unum disability policy. This is not easy to achieve as your treating doctors are often rushed when they see you and they also don’t take good office notes. Contact any of our lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your Unum disability claim.