Attorney Claim Handling Gives Claimants Fire Power Against Prudential

Peace of mind and protection against claim denial is the reason our clients rely on our disability lawyers to manage their Prudential disability claim. Claim approval does not mean that Prudential will pay benefits for as long as you want them. The Prudential claim rep assigned to your long term disability claim is required to review your claim every month and determine your eligibility before a benefit check is issued. Prudential has the right to stop paying benefits at any moment they believe that the claim is no longer supported. Our law firm offers a unique flat monthly fee service in which we take over the handling every aspect of your claim with Prudential so that you only deal with our firm. In the video below we discuss our monthly claim handling service.

Does Prudential Think There Is A Problem Because You Have A Lawyer?

From our experience Prudential prefers for a claimant to have a lawyer representing the claimant as it becomes a business to business relationship rather than a business to consumer relationship. There are no games played by Prudential when our law firm is involved. Prudential has probably handled more cases with our law firm than any other law firm in the country. There is a level of respect and competency that has been recognized by Prudential and we focus on getting our clients monthly benefits paid in a timely and efficient manner. We are a law firm that fights aggressively if our client’s disability claim is denied, but unlike most other law firms we don’t fight unnecessary disputes during the claim handling process that will only lead to a further delay in payment of your claim. We know that our clients rely on the consistent and timely payment of their Prudential disability check. We protect your claim to make sure the Prudential disability benefits are paid for as long as you need them.

Our disability insurance lawyers have helped thousands of Prudential disability claimants nationwide to recover disability benefits. Prudential is a one-trick pony and they unfortunately are trained to look for any reason to deny or delay your application for benefits. In our videos above we provide a lot of helpful information about Prudential. We recommend that you contact us immediately for a free consultation and review of your Prudential disability claim.