Sun Life Wrongfully Denies Disability After Paying For 23 Months
We represent a 57 year-old claimant who’s occupation was selling commercial vehicles for many years. Her job was very physical as it required her to climb in and out of semi-trucks multiple times a day as well as operate them which was very strenuous. She went out of work in due to ongoing and severe debilitating right hip, low back, and bilateral knee pain stemming from multiple medical conditions including hip arthritis, lumbar degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, and comorbidities to include thyroid disease, hyperlipidemia, migraines, GERD, and osteoporosis. She underwent two total hip replacements which unfortunately did not relieve her pain. She was no longer able to perform with reasonable continuity the material and substantial duties of her occupation or any gainful occupation for which she is or could become reasonably qualified for by education, training, and experience. Sun Life approved her claim for 23 months and just before the change in definition from own occupation to any gainful occupation, they terminated her benefits based solely on a Nurse practitioner’s review of her medical records. In addition, Sun Life improperly re-classed her previous job as sedentary when they had previously classed her occupation as falling under light duty. Sun Life failed to send her for an IME or FCE and never had spoken to any of her treating physicians who were all clearly supportive of her inability to work. That’s when she retained our services to handle her appeal.
In our appeal we were able to show that there were no proper grounds upon which to terminate benefits as the totality of the medical evidence to include the opinions of her treating physicians continued to support a severity of impairment that would preclude her ability to perform the material duties of her own occupation (whether sedentary or light) or any gainful occupation. Physical Medical Source Statements dated January 27, 2021 and March 12, 2021, from Dr. Gautham Reddy (PCP) and Dr. Steven Hoer (Orthopedic Surgeon) documented restrictions and limitations due to her severe medical conditions that substantiated her physical capacity fell below sedentary. Additionally, in a letter dated January 29, 2021, Dr. Art Louie confirmed Ms. her inability to work in any capacity as a result of her condition.
Our client remains under treatment for her debilitating right hip, low back, and bilateral knee pain. Her orthopedic follow up on February 2, 2021, reflected that her knees are unstable and bilateral knee braces along with physical therapy were recommended. Lumbar x-ray was noted to demonstrate severe degenerative spondylosis, disc space narrowing at L4-5, and moderate bilateral SI joint degenerative disc disease. X-rays of knees was noted to demonstrate mild medial and lateral osteoarthritis on left and mild medial tricompartmental osteoarthritis on right. Subsequent orthopedic follow up documented ongoing anterior thigh pain with cramping as well as groin pain both of which increased with activity. Her severe pain symptomatology was noted to be refractory to treatment including pain medications.
A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) performed on October 20, 2021 confirmed that her residual functional capacity fell below sedentary; therefore, she is, in fact, unable to physically perform the material and substantial duties of her own occupation or any gainful occupation. The FCE which is deemed a valid and reliable representation of her physical capacity reflected that she was unable to sit or stand for more than one-third of an eight-hour work day. Her primary limitations are noted as:
- impaired sitting, standing, and walking tolerance
- squatting, kneeling, and climbing impairment
- intolerance for sustained activity in any position
After reviewing our compelling appeal, Sun Life overturned their decision to terminate her benefits and paid her the back benefits she was owed. She is currently on claim and receiving monthly benefit checks.
Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Sun Life Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong Sun Life appeal.
Sue Sun Life
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide against Sun Life.
Get Your Sun Life Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Sun Life Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Sun Life Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.
Policy Holder Rating
Unscrupulous Tactics
What a mess
They leave you unable to fight
Sun Life is a real pain
Everytime SunLife receives my information they ask for another 7 to 10 business days
I have lost everything due to non payment of my claim.
SunLife said if I don't apply for SSI they will lower my payments
I don't understand SunLife's overpayment letter
Q: Can SunLife offset dependent social security benefits received on account of my wife's disability?
Q: Does SunLife have a required time to make a decision? Can they request medical records that have nothing to do with my illness?
Q: What happens if a policy doesn't mention something I believe I had and paid for (COLA)?
Q: Can SunLife deny me on the basis on a preexisting condition?
Q: Can I sue SunLife if I signed a Settlement & Release Agreement?
Q: Can I still get my short term disability benefits if I'm terminated?
Q: Can I sue SunLife for pain and suffering?
Q: Should I be worried that SunLife is trying to deny my claim by making it seem like I have a mental disorder? Can they deny my claim if I refuse to undergo this needless psychiatric assessment?
Tips for Applying for Sun Life Disability Insurance Benefits
Can a Disability Claimant Refuse to Attend an IME During an Appeal?
Why Must Your Disability Insurance Lawyer Understand Your Disabling Condition?
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #5 – Your Medical Evidence is Weak
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #4 - Your Doctor Is Misled By the Disability Company
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #3 - Video & Social Media Surveillance
How Do You Fight a Long-Term Disability Denial?
Disability Denial Reason #2 - Change of Disability Definition & Vocational Review
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