Reliance Standard overturned its previous denial of long term disability benefits for Texas Retail Store Manager
Our client, Mr. S, formerly worked as a Store Manager for a large national retail chain. In August 2016 Mr. S suffered from multiple Transient Ischemic Attacks (“TIAs”) or mini-strokes which left him with debilitating physical and cognitive impairments. Mr. S made several attempts to return to work failed but continued to suffer slurred speech, headaches, pressure in the back of his head and memory loss, had difficulty training employees and kept repeating himself. Finally, as a result of these conditions and the restrictions and limitations associated with them, Mr. S stopped working completely in April 2017 and, thereafter, failed to regain his premorbid cognitive level of functioning which was crucial to his continued success in his high intellectual career as a Store Manager.
Reliance Standard found Mr. S to be totally disabled and approved his STD claim through the 180 day maximum benefit period which ended in January 2017. With the expiration of the STD benefits Mr. S’s claim was submitted for continued payment under Reliance Standard’s LTD Policy, with the same definition of disability. After paying his LTD benefits for two years as a result of his physical and cognitive impairments; by letter in January 2019, Mr. S was informed that his LTD benefits were denied because Reliance Standard had determined that “[b]ased on the documentation provided, it appears that your Total Disability is caused by or contributed to by a Mental Nervous Disorder” even though Mr. S had no history of, nor had he received treatment for an alleged mental illness associated with his disabling neurological conditions. After receiving the denial, Mr. S contacted Dell Disability Lawyers and discussed his case with Attorney Jay Symonds. Attorney Symonds identified several significant issues in Reliance Standard’s denial letter and in the evidence it relied on and agreed to prepare and submit Mr. S’s ERISA appeal with the assistance of his appeal team.
The LTD appeal addressed all of Reliance Standard’s short-comings and reasons for denial, with a special focus on Reliance Standard’s incorrect application of the Policy’s Mental Nervous Disorder provision, which caps disability payments at 24 months even if an individual continues to be disabled. The appeal first confirmed that Mr. S’s initial claim and Reliance Standard’s subsequent approval were based on cognitive disorders, slurred speech, ocular pain, memory loss, and headaches all associated with his strokes. It wasn’t until 18-months into his claim that a nurse consultant, without review by a physician specializing in vascular neurology, unilaterally reclassified his condition as “depression.” The appeal next clearly established that Mr. S continued to be disabled and unable to perform his own occupation as a Store Manager due to his extensive chronic headaches and significant cognitive impairment. Mr. S’s treating neurologist confirmed this in her multiple objective assessments over the years. On appeal Reliance Standard requested that Mr. S undergo a Neuropsychological Independent Medical Examination (“IME”). After assuring that the appropriate safeguards were in place to protect the independence and credibility of the IME process, Mr. S attended the IME. The results of the IME confirmed that Mr. S suffered from disabling Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder, which also put him at greater risk for Neurodegenerative Disease.
Just over nine weeks after filing his appeal, and after reviewing hundreds of pages of exhibits and medical records as well as conducting an IME, Reliance Standard overturned its decision to terminate benefits, paid full LTD back benefits and reinstated Mr. S’s LTD benefits. Attorney Symonds continues to represent our client to best ensure that Reliance Standard will not terminate his benefits again. Feel free to call our disability attorneys for a free consultation regarding any matter relevant to your disability claim.
Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Reliance Standard Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong Reliance Standard appeal.
Sue Reliance Standard
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide against Reliance Standard.
Get Your Reliance Standard Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Reliance Standard Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Reliance Standard Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.
Policy Holder Rating
Short Term Disability Claim/Inconsistent to NO Communication
Staff Lie
Reliance Standard denied my LTD benefits because COVID-19 limited my ability to provide proof of continued disability.
Reliance Standard cut off my LTD benefits claiming I'm fit enough to work even though I'm more sick than before.
Reliance Standard notified me that my benefits were being stopped with no warning or reason.
I was receiving LTD from Reliance Standard due to breast cancer until they suddenly denied me my benefits.
Reliance Standard never answers or returns my calls, has not provided me my benefits, and falsely claims I never provided necessary paperwork.
Reliance Standard is unreasonably prolonging the transition from STD to LTD for my boyfriend.
Q: Are VA disability payments considered “other income” by Reliance Standard?
Q: Denied short term disability and need to file for long term with same insurer
Q: Will Reliance Standard reduce my LTD payments due to my pension benefits or rental income?
Q: Why is Reliance Standard trying to recover payments I was awarded through another company?
Q: Do I have to provide additional proof of my disability that's specifically requested by Reliance Standard?
Q: How do I access a copy of my STD policy with Reliance Standard?
Q: If I'm not receiving the SSDI benefits for my children from Reliance Standard due to custody, should my SSDI benefits increase?
Q: How can Reliance Standard not coordinate with both of my disability insurance policies?
How to Apply for Reliance Standard Disability Benefits & Top 5 Reasons for a Claim Denial
Why Must Your Disability Insurance Lawyer Understand Your Disabling Condition?
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #5 – Your Medical Evidence is Weak
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #4 - Your Doctor Is Misled By the Disability Company
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #3 - Video & Social Media Surveillance
How Do You Fight a Long-Term Disability Denial?
Disability Denial Reason #2 - Change of Disability Definition & Vocational Review
Disability Denial Reason #1 – Paper Review & IME
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