Prudential reinstates long-term disability benefits to sales specialist following appeal filed by Dell Disability Lawyers
Our client was a Territory Sales Specialist for a major medical supply company, responsible for sales spanning a large geographic area with incredibly high sales quotas. Physical requirements of her occupation required here to travel extensively, drive long distances on a day to day basis, carry samples and products that could weigh in excess of thirty pounds, and give presentations and demonstrations. Her job required her to have a strong understanding of all aspects of her company’s products, and keep current with all advancements in the field of medicine as it relates to her company’s products.
Our client had suffered from neck and back pain since she was involved in a car accident several years ago. Throughout the years she sought treatment, but remained focused on her career, pushing aside the discomfort she was experiencing. However, by 2008 the pain had become unbearable, and it was having a severe impact on her ability to perform her occupation. An MRI of her cervical spine revealed multiple disc bulges and an extrusion at the C6-7 level with evidence of narrowing and compression of the spinal cord, which caused radiating pain to her arms.
Our client filed a claim for disability benefits under her company’s long term disability policy with Prudential. During this time she was released from employment and no longer had adequate health insurance to treat regularly to treat her condition properly. At first Prudential provided benefits under reservation of rights pending more medical information. She attempted to keep up with all of Prudential’s requests, but soon became overwhelmed. In September of 2008, Prudential terminated her benefits, citing the “Proof of Claim” and “Appropriate Care” provisions contained in the policy.
No longer able to deal with the constant harassment from Prudential, she contacted Dell Disability Lawyers, who immediately contacted Prudential, requested all claim information and requested Prudential no longer contact our client. Through no fault of her own, due to her lack of adequate health insurance to cover the cost of treatments, a review of the medical records made it apparent that the course of treatment our client had been receiving would make it difficult to satisfy the “Proof of Claim” and “Appropriate Care” provisions under the policy. Armed with the limited information available, Dell Disability Lawyers filed an Appeal with Prudential.
Based upon the information presented and the arguments for disability benefits contained in the appeal, Prudential reversed their prior denial of long-term disability benefits and agreed to conduct further review for disability benefits for 2009. Steven Jessup, of Dell Disability Lawyers was the lead attorney on the file and continues to manage the claim on a monthly basis.
Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Prudential Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong Prudential appeal.
Sue Prudential
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide against Prudential.
Get Your Prudential Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Prudential Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Prudential Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.
Policy Holder Rating
Denied but Not Denied but I am Denied
California State Disabilty "OFFSET" never mentioned or outlined when enrolling for STD coverage.
Prudential terminated my LTD, so now I have no income
Prudential cancelled my policy amid COVID crisis
I was sold a policy that I cannot use and no one will show me the policy
Prudential verbally approved my claim and then sent me a denial letter
It would cost me more to fight Prudential than to let them get away with their games
Prudential told me I would have a decision today, and now the need another week. Guess what, I'm still broke
Q: I made a Short term disability claim with Prudential but they right away went to consider long term disability
Q: Prudential denied me STD due to a doctor who wrote personal things about me, like I still drive.
Q: Prudential is sending me to an IME but refuses to allow recording. Should I refuse to go to the IME?
Q: What can I do about my long term benefits that’s ending after 2 years?
Q: My mother paid many years for a long-term care policy. When she had to be put in an assisted care facility, Prudential won't pay. Do you accept cases like this?
Q: Can Prudential deny me if SSDI approves me?
Q: How does Prudential calculate attorney fees?
Q: Can I sue my PRUDENTIAL LTD for the cost of hiring a disability attorney to get my benefits reinstated?
Prudential Lump Sum Disability Policy Buyout Options
Is Exhaustion of Remedies Required before filing an ERISA Lawsuit?
What Should I Expect When Suing Prudential for a Disability Insurance Benefit Denial?
Do I need to disclose my disability insurance claim if I filed for bankruptcy?
Can I submit a long-term disability claim if my employment has been terminated?
How Much Time Does Prudential Have to Make A Determination On an ERISA Disability Appeal?
If I File A Short Term Disability Claim With My Carrier And My Claim Is Denied, Do I Also Need To File A Separate Long Term Disability Claim?
Can the disability company limit my disability benefits to 24 months if I have been diagnosed with depression as a result of my physical disability?
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