Why do disability insurance companies conduct secretive video surveillance?
Let’s talk a little bit about why they are doing this video surveillance. Obviously they are not looking to see if you are doing criminal activities. The reason they are looking to doing this video surveillance is to see whether you are doing anything that is inconsistent with what you are telling the disability insurance company that you are not able to do. So, let’s start by actually quoting a line from a recent federal court case that our law firm was handling in which the defense attorney submitted a brief. And in this particular brief, in which they had denied benefits, disability benefits for the client, they said – “The real story is told by the surveillance video which shows the claimant engaged in a variety of activities wildly inconsistent with the claim restrictions and limitations.” So what what are these disability insurance companies really looking for when they hire these outside companies to go out and do a disability video surveillance?
Basically they are only trying to find a way to deny their claim, some type of proof in their eyes they can show to justify to a court if it comes down to that. We are right in doing this, they have been telling this all along, we found they were doing contrary to what they were saying. So there’s never a good intention behind it whatsoever. This whole idea of being inconsistent with what they are allegedly holding out to the insurance company, it’s wish-wash. It’s maybe physical evidence, you can watch it but you don’t get a whole picture. You may get snippets of 6 minutes here and there or a whole hour’s worth of what’s done over the course of a whole week but they will try to hand their head on that to deny the claim and maybe they will send it over to one of their doctors who is going to review it and will say – “based on what she’s held out, based on what I’m seeing here, I don’t think she is incapable of doing her job or doing some form of work or whatever the case may be.”
Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong appeal.
Sue Your Disability Insurance Company
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide.
Get Your Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.