Will Life Insurance Company of America have to pay long-term disability benefits?
As of the time of this writing, Beverly Barker doesn’t know the answer to that question. Court proceedings are complicated and seeking compensation for long-term disability benefits is no exception. A case heard in December 2009 in U. S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division demonstrates this yet again.
CIGNA can run but they can’t hide
When Barker’s case came before Magistrate Judge Debra Lynch, her right to compel Life Insurance Company of North America (LINA, also known as CIGNA) to provide requested information hung in the balance. LINA filed a motion to quash the subpoena for responses to Barker’s’s questions and evidence requests.
Barker’s claim arose from the fact that she believed she qualified for long-term disability benefits in July of 2007. Documentation provided by her treating physicians supported her claim and demonstrated total disability. Parker claimed that LINA favored an evaluation of her medical condition provided by a doctor in the pay of Intracorp, a company she claimed LINA’s parent company owns.
As a result, Barker contended that a conflict existed between LINA’s roles as the evaluator of claims and as the payer of those claims. In order to prove the conflict, Barker served LINA with interrogatories (a series of questions) and a list of information Barker wanted LINA to produce. The request, made on May 28, 2009, received a response from LINA on August 3, 2009. The response stated that case law prohibited discovery on the benefits denial decision unless there were specific reasons to suspect misconduct. The insurance company also claimed that the discovery requests weren’t relevant.
The Court had to determine whether the Supreme Court ruling that involved Glenn vs. MetLife superseded a District Court ruling involving Semien v. LINA. LINA claimed that Semien, which would require Barker to identify a specific conflict of interest plus provide enough evidence to demonstrate that LINA’s procedures were defective, prevailed.
At first glance, it would have appeared that LINA had the advantage, as several other District Courts had ruled that Glenn did not overrule Semien. However, Barker’s case appeared in the right District Court. At least four cases tried in the Southern District of Indiana upheld Glenn’s rejection of special procedural rules. Glenn determined that the only way to determine if a conflict of interest has been involved in a claims denial is to allow discovery.
This made it necessary for the Court to address each of Barker’s individual discovery requests. Barker sought to compel responses to 15 questions and 17 requests for evidence.
CIGNA’s attempt to hide information is defeated
Let’s take a look at the information Barker was seeking.
Barker wanted a list of all the people who reviewed her claim file and participated in the denial decision. She also asked for information about the total payments LINA had made to medical or vocational experts between 2004 and 2009. Lina objected saying that the identities of the individuals were in the administrative record, and that their employees were paid fixed salaries.
LINA also objected to providing compensation information that proceeded Barker’s claim review period of 2008 and 2009. The Court decided to allow the longer review period, so any trends relating to claims practices and compensation could be identified, as this could uncover bias in close denial decisions.
Barker asked to see the personnel files and performance of all the LINA employees who reviewed her claim. LINA objected, claiming that some information is particularly sensitive and other information was not connected to the conflict analysis. The judges reached the conclusion, after reviewing the cases that LINA presented, that disclosure of performance evaluations and compensation was appropriate, but other information in the files need not be released.
In addition to this information, Barker also wanted information about the number of claims reviewed for the past five years by the same people who reviewed Barker’s claim and the number of denials or terminations relative to those claims. Barker also sought information about plan members whose benefits have been denied. LINA objected to this request, claiming the information was irrelevant. The court disagreed with LINA. Instead, the Court felt the information would provide statistical information regarding LINA’s approval/denial/termination of benefit practices.
The Court also supported Barker’s request that LINA produce documents describing the company’s process for reducing bias and improving claim accuracy. The request for any contracts that existed between Intracorp and LINA during the past five years, and an accounting of the number of claims that were denied by LINA after review by Intracorp were also met with Court approval.
Almost all of the information Barker sought to compel received confirmation from the Court. But the Court stopped short of allowing Barker to secure actual financial information from the long-term disability insurance company regarding claim settlements. The Court found that this information was not relevant or connected to the conflict analysis. The Court also refused to order LINA to provide other claimant’s files for review, citing the invasion of privacy exceeded the relevance to Barker’s claim.
The Court granted LINA’s request for a protective order, which will likely keep all of the information confidential to Barker’s case only. If Barker’s council and LINA could not reach an agreement on the terms of the order, the Court agreed that LINA could file a motion for protective order consistent with the Court’s ruling.
Barker fared quite well in this exchange. LINA and Intracorp were ordered to produce the Court-approved information within 14 days of the Court’s entry of a protective order. The results might have been different in another District Court. This highlights the importance of an attorney having a thorough understanding of the decision making process within the region where he or she offers short-term and long-term disability representation.
Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Cigna Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong Cigna appeal.
Sue Cigna
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide against Cigna.
Get Your Cigna Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Cigna Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Cigna Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.
Policy Holder Rating
Unum is evil
Every month I get paid on a different date
They will do anything to not approve your claim
Don't trust them, they like to play games
Lyme Disease Disability Claim Denial
Disappointed with NY Life Disability Excuses
New York Life is a joke!
They FULL OF ****
Q: I filed an appeal and lost. Is it worth pursuing?
Q: Do I have a case for STD? I was denied twice because a) I hadn't been a fulltime employee for 6 months and b) I had ben on FMLA since Febury.
Q: How can I appeal Cigna's decision if there are no written communications explanation the reasons for claim termination?
Q: Is there a process for appeals not being responded to in the time given? Also, how do I access my records?
Q: Is it worth is to go to court over $2500?
Q: How long will it take Cigna to get back to me? Will my military retiree pay be held against my policy 60%? Will Cigna exploit the disparity in the medical community over my illness?
Q: Do I have any options to void an agreement I signed? Can Signa offset my SSDI benefits?
Q: Can I sue Cigna even if they do end up paying me?
Is Cigna Seeking To Offset Disability Benefit by Social Security Survivor Benefit?
Is Cigna's Denial of Your Appeal Really a Denial?
What Should a Claimant Expect When Suing Cigna or any Other Disability Company for Long Term Disability Benefits?
Are Cigna Short Term Disability Denials on the Rise?
Cigna's latest strategies for handling and denying disability benefit claims
Is a Claimant's Complaints of Pain Enough to Qualify for Short or Long Term Disability Insurance Benefits?
Is My Insurance Company Allowed to Take An Offset of My Monthly LTD Benefit for Social Security Benefits My Kids Receive As A Result of My Disability?
Is My "No-Fault" Auto Insurance Settlement an Offset Under My Long Term Disability Insurance Policy?
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LINA overturned its previous LTD denial for Medical Technologist
Reviews from Our Clients

5 Ways We Help Get Your Benefits Paid
Our goal is to get your application for disability insurance benefits approved. Applying for disability insurance benefits can be a difficult process and the information you provide is critical. Most disability insurance companies look at your application in hopes of finding a reason to deny your claim. Your disability company will ask you to complete numerous forms, interview you, request lots of information, speak with your doctors and possibly request to have you examined by their hired gun doctor.
Through our experience of having helped thousands of disability insurance claimants, our disability insurance lawyers will guide you through the entire application process and give you the best chance to get your disability claim approved the first time.
If your disability insurance benefits have been wrongfully denied, then our disability insurance lawyers know exactly what it takes to get your disability claim approved. You only get once chance to submit an Appeal, therefore every piece of evidence that will support your disability claim must be included. The goal is to win your disability benefits at the Appeal level, but while preparing your Appeal you must consider how a federal judge will review your disability claim if your benefit denial is upheld.
Preparing a strong disability appeal package is an art that requires you to understand how the courts interpret your disability policy language, ERISA regulations / laws, and how to strategically present evidence in support of your definition of disability. We encourage you to contact any of our long-term disability attorneys for a free immediate review of your disability denial.
98% of the disability insurance lawsuits filed by our law firm have resulted in either the payment of benefits or a lump-sum settlement agreement. Our disability insurance attorneys have filed ERISA governed and private policy long term disability insurance lawsuits against every major disability insurance company in state and federal courts nationwide and we love fighting for the little guy against the multi-billion dollar insurance company giants.
We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients and we would like the opportunity to provide you with a free review of your disability benefit denial. There are many complex factors in a disability benefit lawsuit and the legal battle to win long term disability benefits can be fierce.
Approval of long-term disability is a continuous process as every disability insurance company will evaluate your eligibility for benefits on a monthly basis. You can never let your guard down and assume that your disability company will continue to pay your benefits for as long as you think you need them.
Our disability insurance law firm offers a reasonable flat fee monthly claim handling service in which we handle every aspect of your long-term disability claim and do whatever it takes to make sure you are paid every month.
Let's discuss if a lump-sum settlement or buyout of your disability insurance claim is both available and makes financial sense for you. Our disability insurance lawyers have negotiated more than five-hundred million dollars in disability insurance buyouts and we know how to get you a maximum settlement. A disability insurance company is not required to offer a buyout and not every disability company offers them.
Questions About Hiring Us
We are disability insurance attorneys that know how to get your short or long term disability benefits paid. As a nationwide law firm we have helped thousands of disability insurance claimants throughout the United States to collect hundreds of millions of dollars of disability insurance benefits from every major disability insurance company.
Our attorneys have been able to either get our clients paid monthly disability benefits or obtain a one-time lump-sum settlement in more than 98% of our cases. Our disability insurance lawyers have seen it all when it comes to disability insurance claims and we know exactly what it takes for your disability claim to be approved.
We offer disability insurance attorney representation nationwide and we welcome you to contact any of our LTD lawyers for a free immediate review of your disability claim. We also invite you to visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel where we have more than 900 videos and regularly provide tips to help protect your disability benefits.
Our disability insurance attorneys help individuals that have either purchased a long term disability insurance policy from an insurance company or obtained short or long term disability insurance coverage as a benefit from their employer. We have helped individuals in almost every type of occupation with monthly disability benefit payments ranging from $1,500 to $50,000.
Our clients include all types of employees ranging from retail associates, sales representatives, government employees, police officers, teachers, janitors, nurses, pilots, truck drivers, financial advisors, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, lawyers, consultants, IT professionals, engineers, professional athletes, business owners, and high level executives.
A strong understanding and presentation of the duties of your occupation is essential for securing disability insurance benefits.
Yes. We are a national disability insurance law firm that is available to represent you regardless of where you live in the United States. We have partner lawyers in every state and we have filed lawsuits in most federal courts nationwide. Our disability insurance lawyers represent disability claimants at all stages of a claim for disability insurance benefits. There is nothing that our lawyers have not seen in the disability insurance world.
Since we represent disability insurance claimants at different stages of a disability insurance claim we offer a variety of different fee options. We understand that claimants living on disability insurance benefits have a limited source of income; therefore we always try to work with the claimant to make our attorney fees as affordable as possible.
The three available fee options are a contingency fee agreement (no attorney fee or cost unless we make a recovery), hourly fee or fixed flat rate.
In every case we provide each client with a written fee agreement detailing the terms and conditions. We always offer a free initial phone consultation and we appreciate the opportunity to work with you in obtaining payment of your disability insurance benefits.
No. For purposes of efficiency and to reduce expenses for our clients we have found that 99% of our clients prefer to communicate via phone, email, fax, or video conferencing sessions. If you prefer an initial in-person meeting please let us know. A disability company will never require you to come to their office and similarly we are set up so that we handle your entire claim without the need for you to come to our office.
When you call us during normal business hours you will immediately speak with a disability insurance attorney. We can be reached at 800-698-9159 or by email. Lawyers and staff must return all client calls same day. Client emails are usually replied to within the same business day and seem to be the preferred and most efficient method of communication for most clients.