RUN WHILE YOU CAN! I was scammed.
Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Guardian Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong Guardian appeal.
Sue Guardian
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide against Guardian.
Get Your Guardian Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Guardian Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Guardian Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.
Policy Holder Rating
Guardian not being flexible during Covid
Guardian thinks people with lupus miraculously recover
Stress over Guardian caused my heart attack
The IRS should know that Guardian refuses to send my W-2 form
Guardian cancelled my husband's claim without checking his medical records. Do better. We have children to feed and bills to pay.
Guardian has built-in denial for self-employed individuals
Guardian has the least helpful folks I have ever met
If you work for a company who offers Guardian, tell them NO and get a non ERISA provider. Guardian lied about my options and then tried to tell me I'm not disabled
Q: If I am covered by Guardian STD, why are they telling me to file with the state?
Q: I accepted and deposited a lump sum long term disability payment installment for underpayment from Guardian. Can they ask for money back if I try to work again?
Q: How Does Guardian Calcualutate my Long Term Disability Benefit?
Q: How long do I have to file my Guardian disability appeal?
Q: Can I claim a permanent disability to avoid a surgery that requires several months of down time without promising results?
Q: Do I still need to fill out Guardian claim forms if I am eligible for Presumptive Total Disability?
Q: Can Guardian make me file taxes on a non-taxable insurance?
Q: Does Guardian reduce the qualifying income when an STD becomes a LTD?
Guardian Disability Benefit Claim Handling Tips
Is Your Disability Insurance Claim a Physical or Mental Disability Condition?
Why Must Your Disability Insurance Lawyer Understand Your Disabling Condition?
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #5 – Your Medical Evidence is Weak
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #4 - Your Doctor Is Misled By the Disability Company
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #3 - Video & Social Media Surveillance
How Do You Fight a Long-Term Disability Denial?
Disability Denial Reason #2 - Change of Disability Definition & Vocational Review
Seven Surgeries and The Standard Still Denies Disability Insurance Benefits
Sun Life Wrongfully Denies Disability After Paying For 23 Months
Nurse Denied Long-term Disability Benefits by Lincoln After the Definition of Disability Changed
Lincoln Reverses Decision to Terminate LTD Benefits of Corporate Attorney after Dell Disability Lawyers Appeals the Decision
Transportation Manager with Brain Injury Wins Unum Disability Benefit Appeal
Prudential reverses decision to terminate LTD benefits of MRI Tech with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and degenerative Disc Disease
Engineer With Depression Wins Prudential LTD Appeal
New York Life Approves Disability Benefits for School Teacher With Multiple Sclerosis
Reviews from Our Clients