Resources to Help You Win Disability Benefits
Submit a Strong Sedgwick Appeal Package
We work with you, your doctors, and other experts to submit a very strong Sedgwick appeal.
Sue Sedgwick
We have filed thousands of disability denial lawsuits in federal Courts nationwide against Sedgwick.
Get Your Sedgwick Disability Application Approved
Prevent a Sedgwick Disability Benefit Denial
Negotiate a Sedgwick Lump-Sum Settlement
Our goal is to negotiate the highest possible buyout of your long-term disability policy.
Policy Holder Rating
Don't trust them, they like to play games
Worst Company Ever
AT&T Was Great and Sedgwick Horrible
I was disabled 2003 by SS. I got SSDI 7 years too late.
They falsify documents and avoid contact as much as possible.
Not getting paid
You have to be well versed in your rights when dealing with them
Q: Sedgwick denied my STD appeal, is there anything I can do to get my money back?
Why Must Your Disability Insurance Lawyer Understand Your Disabling Condition?
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #5 – Your Medical Evidence is Weak
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #4 - Your Doctor Is Misled By the Disability Company
Disability Benefit Denial Reason #3 - Video & Social Media Surveillance
How Do You Fight a Long-Term Disability Denial?
Disability Denial Reason #2 - Change of Disability Definition & Vocational Review
Disability Denial Reason #1 – Paper Review & IME
How to Apply for Reliance Standard Disability Benefits & Top 5 Reasons for a Claim Denial
Sedgwick Reinstates Long Term Disability Claim Following Appeal
Nearly Three Years Later, Sedgwick Finally Pays Walgreens' Pharmacist's STD and LTD Claim
AT&T Employee Dealing With Sedgwick Has Horrible Disability Benefit Claim Experience
Seven Surgeries and The Standard Still Denies Disability Insurance Benefits
Sun Life Wrongfully Denies Disability After Paying For 23 Months
Nurse Denied Long-term Disability Benefits by Lincoln After the Definition of Disability Changed
Lincoln Reverses Decision to Terminate LTD Benefits of Corporate Attorney after Dell Disability Lawyers Appeals the Decision
Transportation Manager with Brain Injury Wins Unum Disability Benefit Appeal
Reviews from Our Clients